Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wed 9/3 - ILRN, school supply list comparison

For Wednesday, 9/3

The work for your first weekly lab is due. The two short quizzes are due by 11:59 pm on Sunday night - the normal lab due date. The school supply list comparison activity (p.6 in the textbook) is due on Wednesday since you are bringing a hardcopy to give me.

Do ILRN activities as assigned.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wed 8/27 - ILRN and find school supply list

For Wed 8/27: 

-Do ILRN activities as assigned.
   Notice that if you are just now doing Monday's assignments, ILRN will mark them as "late". That is OK! As long as you do them by Monday 9/1, your grade will count. I just have to manually go in and tell ILRN that I accept your work late.

-Find an elementary school supply list for the Week 2 lab module. You should be looking for a list in English, for any elementary school grade. You'll be comparing your list with the one on p.6 which is a fifth grade class; however, you don't have to use a 5th grade list in English.

-Be sure to do the weekly lab on Sakai for Week 2. It is due on Sunday night, 8/31. The supply list activity will be turned in as hardcopy on Wednesday in class (so you get a couple of extra days for that this week.)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mon 8/25 - Syllabus quiz, ILRN, (find a school supply list for next week)

For Monday, Aug 25th:

-Do ILRN activities as assigned on the Assignment Calendar
          Remember that you only want to use one try (or two) for those activities that cover new information. Save at least your last attempt for after we've covered it in class.

-Take the syllabus quiz on Sakai. You'll see a link for it under Weekly Labs / Week 1

-In preparation for Week 2 lab module, find an elementary school supply list to use for the cultural activity. Details on that activity can be found in the Week 2 lab which is not due until Aug 31st. However, school supply lists are more easily available this week, so go ahead and get your hands on one. You can use the same list as a classmate, but you will both need a copy to do the assignment on your own.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bienvenidos! Welcome to the homework blog - Important general information

Welcome to Sra. Hahn's SPA 111 homework blog. Here is where you'll find the homework assignments for our class during the semester - aside from the weekly lab modules.

Each class day, I'll tell you in class what the homework for the next day is. Then, I'll post it on here as well. I'm doing it as a blog so, if you're so inclined, you can subscribe to the feed and have the homework assignments available to you outside of Sakai.

There are two standing types of assignments throughout the semester:
1) ILRN activities due by 2:00 on each class day. You'll find these on the assignment calendar in ILRN at
2) Weekly lab modules on Sakai due by 11:59 p.m. each Sunday. Log-in to Sakai and choose Weekly Labs.

The homework blog is where you can find the other homework to be done - worksheets, practices, readings, things to do and bring to class, etc. If you happen to miss class, you need to check here for the homework!